Middleton Road

How I see the world


The Changing Seasons: April 2016

April is the first time I have entered Cardinal Guzman’s monthly challenge of the changing seasons.

Both along Wellington waterfront, where I try and get out for a lunchtime stroll at least a couple of times a week, and along Ohariu Valley Road where I go for longer weekend walks, April has bought lovely weather.  It has felt much more like late summer than the start of Autumn.



One Word Photo Challenge: Bottle

Budget 1994


My first job out of university was working at the New Zealand Treasury.  One of the traditions they used to have there was a lunch the day after the budget where the Minister of Finance would normally make an appearance.  In 1994 (or maybe 1995) the lunch featured some specially re-labelled beer recognising Minister Bill Birch.

A contribution to Jennifer’s one word photo challenge theme of bottle